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PayPal holdings are the largest American financial company which was founded to create an ease for online financial transactions. It was founded to revolutionize the idea of transactions and get rid of traditional money transfer methods in 1998 in Palo Alto, California by a group of entrepreneurs and idealists.

PayPal helps its users to send, receive, and request money from anyone without any difficulty or confusion with extra security and without any delays in the payments. PayPal does don’t charge any fees to create an account but they will charge some percentage of the total amount you want to send if the process includes a currency conversion. This percentage is 2.9% of the total amount and they also charge a base rate of $0.30 per transaction.

General information

HQ: 2211 N 1st St, San Jose, CA, United States
Zip Code: 95131
Traded as: Nasdaq: PYPL, NASDAQ-100 component, S&P 100 component and S&P 500 component
ISIN: US0378331005
Industry: Financial services
Founded: December 1998 (as Confinity) / October 1999 (as X.com)
Founders: Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Yu Pan and Elon Musk
Products: Credit cards, payment systems
Subsidiaries: Braintree, Paydiant, Honey, Venmo, PayPal Credit, Xoom Corporation, TIO Networks, card.ioi, Zettle, Tradera
Area served: Worldwide
Business data for PayPal: Google Finance / Yahoo! Finance / SEC filings
Official Website: www.paypal.com

What is PayPal holdings, Inc. and what does it do?

As we have already discussed that PayPal offers an online payment transfer environment and a way to send and accept amounts and charge a fee for themselves in some cases but here we will be discussing the working of PayPal.

PayPal is like a bank but the only difference between the banks and PayPal is the digitization, transparency, and efficiency of PayPal as compared to offline banks. Users of PayPal can send and receive money from around the world in a matter of seconds without any obstacles and jeopardy.

So, to be able to transact your payments and amounts online through PayPal, the user would have to link their offline bank account with their online PayPal account by using their credit or debit card like Visa card, MasterCard, and Maestro card etcetera.

PayPal requires you to provide the email address or phone number of the person you want to transfer funds to. This is a small and simple process of sending money through PayPal.

One amazing feature of PayPal is that it allows you to request funds from any person. For this, you will need their name, email address, or phone number, and the amount you are willing to request. In this way, the users of PayPal can send, get, and request money from any other user.

How was PayPal Developed?

PayPal’s original name was Confinity and was developed in 1998 by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek as a security software provider for mobile devices. This business model of Confinity did not gain much success and instead, the company’s business shifted towards providing digital wallet services.

In the early 2000s, Confinity merged with an online banking company X.com (founded by Elon Musk) and soon after that, the company was renamed PayPal as it was planned to shift the entire focus upon providing an online payment service.

At that time, the trend of online businesses was growing at a fast pace and there was an increasing demand among businesses to have a fast and cashless payment method. Therefore, the company was immediately popular among businesses as a fund transfer service provider and experienced immense growth.

PayPal merged with an E-commerce company eBay which proved beneficial for it. The people engaging in e-commerce on eBay were already in need of an online payment system, so PayPal was instantly popular among them.

It became a publicly-traded company in early 2002 and became an instantly successful stock with value increasing to 1.5 times in a matter of months.

In 2005, PayPal launched its mobile payment system which was very useful for businesses as it increases the speed and ease of transferring money online. Subsequently, the number of devices supporting PayPal increased dramatically and so did its popularity among people.

In 2014, PayPal ended its partnership with eBay which proved very profitable, and the company’s value rose significantly from this move.

Today, it is still one of the most popular and secure methods of online payment systems being used by businesses and individuals alike.

Where is PayPal Holdings, Inc. headquarters located?

PayPal HQ Operative Center 12312 Port Grace Blvd La Vista NE 68128 United States
The headquarters of PayPal holdings, Inc. are located in San Jose, California, United States but the operation center of the company is located in La Vista, Nebraska. Because PayPal works in more than 200 countries so, it has loads of head offices across the world to carry out all the operations.

These head offices are located in different locations in Luxembourg, Singapore, India, Ireland, Germany, and Malaysia etcetera. The company does its national and state-based work from the offices located inside the specific countries.

PayPal Contacts

How to contact PayPal customer service over the phone or through an online chat:

PayPal’s official number is 1-888-221-1161 which can be used to call them. The phone number connected to the PayPal account should be preferred for this purpose. This is a relatively faster method to get immediate assistance in any issues faced by the customer.

The alternative method to contact PayPal would be to do it online. Online chat forums, help centers, and resolution centers are available for customers to solve their problems.

To contact PayPal customer service online, first, a user should log into his or her account. Then, one should scroll down to click on ‘’Contact Us’’ or go to www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/home. By this method, a user can find a host of articles on any issue faced by him or her.

To speak with someone scrolling down to ‘’Message Us’’ can give a standard response on any issue. If the user is still not satisfied with the customer service, clicking on ‘’Need more help’’ would forward his or her message to the PayPal agent which would respond within an hour under normal circumstances.

PayPal Customer Service Contacts

Phone contacts for PayPal are given below:

Main: (408) 967-1000

Customer Service: (402) 935-2050

Toll-Free: (888) 221-1161

Email Contacts for PayPal are given below:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Other customer service resources include Customer Support, Security and Protection, and PayPal User Agreement.

In addition to this, PayPal’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be used to contact PayPal.

The executive contact emails are given below:

For the CFO: [email protected]

For the CEO: [email protected]

Other ways to contact PayPal

The PayPal portal helps on four major types of issues faced by its customers; account and password related e.g. unlocking account, payment-related e.g. if there is a hold on payments or a refund is needed, account profile related e.g. connecting the PayPal account to email, bank account or mobile number or disputes related where customer cases are dealt with. PayPal’s portal provides help in these four different ways:

Message us

It is an option for the customer to send a direct text to PayPal’s customer service for getting an issue solved.

Ask the community

Here, the customer can connect with other customers so they can solve each other’s issues together by contributing to the forum.

Resolution Center

The resolution center mainly solves payment or account-related issues where the direct involvement of customer service is very important.

Call us

It is an option to call customer service directly if a customer feels like he or she can better explain and discuss the issue on a call rather than on text messaging.

Additional contact

Some additional contact numbers for customers of different regions are given below:



Available from: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Central Time

United Kingdom:

08707 301 881

Available from: Mon-Sun 8:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Irish Standard Time


1800 054 378

Available from: Working days 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Weekends 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. AEST.

For technical problems, PayPal can be contacted at https://www.paypal.com/mts.

For account related problems, PayPal can be contacted at payflow-[email protected]

The PayPal Holdings, Inc. History

Early History

In 1998, four entrepreneurs Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek, and Max Levchin founded Confinity, a company that provided secure online payment processing services. To continue the existing and expanding further operations of the company, it was necessary to build an application on which this service would be provided, and that application was needed to be launched on a mobile device. So, Palm Pilots was chosen as the device that would support the application as it was one of the most used mobile devices at that time.

It was soon realized that Palm Pilots was not a good platform for this business because not enough people used this device. So, email was chosen as an alternative way that the consumers would use to transfer payment to each other through Confinity. This decision enabled the company to grow significantly as there was already a demand among e-commerce sites, especially eBay-for a payment service provider.

PayPal’s exponential growth

In 2000, PayPal grew exponentially; its users increased from 12000 to 2.7 million in less than 6 months. This was largely due to PayPal’s work with eBay; a large number of merchants on eBay started using PayPal for their online transactions. Another main reason if this immense growth was PayPal’s smart move of referral marketing. Every person referring the service to others was getting compensation for that equal to $10. Both these moves contributed to the initial growth of PayPal.

Merger with X.com

In the March of 2000, Confinity merged with another startup X.com, an online bank that Elon Musk had founded in 1999. While initially, it was planned to continue expanding business in both directions, it was soon realized that the online payment service model of Confinity was a much better business model than X.com’s online bank. The difference in the culture of both organizations led to the resignation of Peter Theil. Elon Musk became the CEO and started focusing on the online payment processing model.

Becoming Public

In the October of 2000, Musk was replaced by Theil, and later in 2001, the company was renamed PayPal. In 2002, PayPal went Public because they were facing a shortage of cash due to their referral marketing campaigns. So, in September 2001 the company announced its IPO.

PayPal’s IPO was an immediate success and the price of shares of the company rose immensely in a very short period of time.

Acquisition by eBay

In the same year, PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion which proved very profitable for the company because the threat of getting banned or abandoned by eBay-which was the main factor needed for the growth of the company was eliminated. All the efforts of eBay trying to compete with PayPal with its own payment solution services went in vain.

PayPal’s acquisitions

During the further years, PayPal acquired many payments processing companies to expand its portfolio in different countries, regions, and industries. The major acquisitions by PayPal include Braintree, Venmo, Paydiant, Xoom, iZettle, and Honey inc. Most of these are payment processing services for example Venmo which is a mobile payment processing application. Some companies like Honey Corp (which is a discounting company) and iZettle (which caters to small business solutions) helped PayPal is expanding its business in other domains.

Separation from eBay

In 2014, Carl Icahn, one of the major investors of eBay predicted that separating PayPal from eBay would be very valuable for both companies. In 2015, PayPal separated from eBay and crossed its parent company in value in a very short amount of time. So, this move proved beneficial for both companies.

Present-day PayPal

Today, PayPal is still one of the largest payment solutions providing companies and is giving tough competition to its competitors such as MasterCard, Google Wallet, WePay, 2 Checkout, and others. Growth and profitability is still expected as it enjoys several economic moats over its competitors and has a high customer satisfaction rate.

Five Companies Owned by PayPal

Honey Science Corp

Honey Science corporation is an online coupon and discount providing service and helps its members to save their money online. Recently, it has expanded into a shopping assistant and price tracking service provider.
Honey Science Corp has been the largest acquisition by PayPal holdings till now. It serves two main purposes: a better online shopping experience for PayPal members and a better pricing strategy for sellers connected to PayPal.


iZettle began as an online payment processing service provider which provided credit card payment services from mobile. Its primary target market was the small business industry.
Gradually it started proving services such as software maintenance and support and financial solutions to small businesses. PayPal acquired this company mainly to gain influence in the small business industry as a service provider and to expand its service area outside the US to European and South American markets.


Braintree is also an online payment processing service that mainly attempts to automate online payments for sellers. The acquisition of Braintree also allowed PayPal access to Venmo, a mobile peer-to-peer lending application. PayPal’s main purpose to acquire Braintree was to gain dominance in the online payment processing industry.

Xoom Corp.

Xoom Corp. is a payment processing company that provides services such as fund transfer, paying bills, sending remittances, reload mobile balance, and other services. Xoom Corp. allowed PayPal to expand internationally especially to those areas where the main services of PayPal were not available.

Hyperwallet Systems Inc.

Hyperwallet System Inc. is a company that provides global payout services i.e. allowing companies to send or receive payments to people across the world. By acquiring Hyperwallet Systems PayPal increased its influence as an E-commerce service provider company.


PayPal allows any business or online sellers to sell their products conveniently and with ease. It also helps its users to request payments from any other user. The final goal of PayPal is to change the way financial transactions are carried out traditionally. For this, the company is focusing on introducing some new and advanced features. Currently, PayPal is making huge progress and the last year was the most successful year for PayPal in history. Due to this, the company is expected to grow swiftly in the coming years.

List of 100 Largest Third Parties (other than PayPal Customers)

Barclays Bank Plc (UK)
HSBC Bank Plc (UK, Ireland)
HSBC Merchant Services LLP (UK)
VTB24 (Russia)
Deutsche Bank AG (Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain)
Royal Bank of Scotland plc (UK) (“RBS”)
Wells Fargo (Ireland, USA)
JPMorgan Chase Bank (UK, USA)
Bank of America N.A. (EMEA, USA BA Continuum India Private Limited (India), Discover Financial Services (USA)
ANZ National Bank Limited (New Zealand)
BNP Paribas (France)
Visa Europe Ltd (UK) including Visa’s VMAS system
Mastercard Europe (Master Card International Incorporated. (USA) including Mastercard’s MATCH system
Global Payments UK LLP (UK)
American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
Allied Irish Bank PLC (UK)
Stripe (US)
Pipl, Inc. (USA)
Full Contact, Inc. (USA)
Callcredit plc. (UK) including the SHARE database administered by Callcredit
CRIF S.p.A (Italy)
Synectics Solutions Limited (UK)
La Banque de France (France)
LexisNexis Risk Solutions Ltd (UK)
DueDil Limited (UK)
Deltavista GmbH (Germany, Austria, Poland)
World-Check (UK)
Global Data Corporation (USA)
Dynamic Business Information Limited (UK)
Trillium (USA)
Ignios (Portugal)
Aristotle International, Inc. (USA)
ThreatMetrix Inc. (USA)
AddressDoctor GmbH (Germany)
Jumio Inc (USA)
Telovia SA (Luxembourg)
Signicat AS (Norway)
Trustev Ltd (Ireland)
Focum Solutions B.V. (Netherlands)
Blue Shape SRL (Italy)
Credit Kudos Limited (UK)
Acton International Ltd (USA)
Royal Mail Group Ltd (UK)
Bisnode Danmark A/S (Denmark)
Dataxcel Ltd.(Ireland)
Liteshell Holdings Ltd (Russia)
Neustar Inc. (USA)
Tradle Inc (USA)
Synnex-Concentrix Limited (UK)
Vodafone (UK)
DNB ID Solutions AS (Norway)
Ocrolus, Inc. (US)
Capita Identity (UK)
DUO Security (UK)
IDM Global Inc.
PhishMe (US)
Sift Science (US)
Deltavista GmbH (Germany,Austria, Poland)
WindTre Mobile (Italy)
Santander UK Cards Limited (UK)
Cofidis (France)
Paga más Tarde (Spain)
Packlink Shipping S.L.(Spain)
Harrow Council (UK)
Stubhub Services S.à.r.l. (Luxembourg)
Borderlinx (UK)
Apple Inc. (USA)
Nuance Communications Inc. (USA)
Lithium Technologies Inc. (USA)
IPSA International
Aplazame SL. (Spain)
Land Registry Office (UK)
SendGrid Inc (US)
Northstar Research Partners (USA)
Lieberman Research Worldwide LLC (USA)
Salesforce.com,Inc. (USA)
Alchemy Worx Ltd (UK)
Medallia, Inc. (USA)
DemandGen AG (Germany)
Fiksu, Inc. (USA)
Wire Stone LLC (USA)
Iris (Germany)
Rakuten (Global)
Statista (US)
Mixpanel (US)
SensorTower, Inc. (USA)
Webbank (USA)
Robertson Taylor Insurance Brokers Limited (UK)
Accenture (UK)
Lattice Engines, Inc. (USA)
Globalcollect (NL)
McKinsey & Company, Inc. (United States)
WNS Global Services Limited (UK)
Emailage Corp (United States)
Caseware (Canada)
IRS Compliance (US)
Mandrill (US)
Skopenow Inc. (US)
Source: paypal.com

How Does PayPal Make Money?

PayPal earns most of its revenue through the transactions of its customers and by third parties with which it collaborates. We have already discussed that PayPal also charges a service base fee plus a percentage of the total amount being transacted in some special cases such as a scenario in which currency conversion is necessary or required.

So, the revenue of PayPal totally depends on the number of transactions it processes per year and also on the contracts it has with other businesses and companies. This may not seem like a perfect revenue model for a company but only with this model, the revenue of PayPal reaches billions of dollars per annum.

According to CNBC, the turnaround of the company in the first quarter of 2021 was $6.03 billion though it was projected at $5.9 billion. Also, PayPal transacted around $285 billion and this amount was predicted at $265 billion by a survey.

See also: Apple Inc. Headquarters, All Office Locations and Addresses

PayPal has loads of active user accounts that use PayPal regularly to send, receive, or request money, and the trade of over 20 million merchants is carried through PayPal. These merchants use PayPal for most of their transactions and PayPal according to their business model, earns a little percentage of the total amount.

One more way in which PayPal earns its revenue is by value-added services. Value-added services include interests of loans, different subscriptions, and receivables etcetera.

Top 5 biggest PayPal competitors or Alternatives

Top PayPal competitors or Alternatives

1. WePay

WePay is an online payment processing service provider and is a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It offers fast and smooth online payment processing services and especially shines in the areas where PayPal lacks that are providing online money collection and fundraising services. In fact, it was made to compete with PayPal by taking benefit of PayPal’s lacking these domains. While WePay has been a successful venture, PayPal only needs to incorporate a multi-party transaction system and some other improvements to crush this competitor.

2. Google Pay

Google Pay provides digital wallets and online payment processing services and was created by Google to enter this industry. It is supported by Android phones, tablets, and smartwatches although it can be accessed by iOS in some countries. In addition to proving the above-mentioned services, it has extra features such as personal financial services which help in tracking finances and more. Also, it charges nothing on debit transactions while PayPal charges 2.9% on each. So, it is a major competitor to look for.

3. Verifone, Inc.

Verifone, Inc. is an online payment processing company that provides services including payment solutions and fraud protection as well as other services such as marketing, consumer care, and online shopping platform. Verifone, Inc. does not have very favorable reviews by its users and their main complaints include poor customer service and problems in payment processing. Due to these reasons, 2 Checkout cannot be considered a serious competitive threat to PayPal.

4. Intuit

Intuit is a company that provides financial software and solutions to businesses-especially small businesses. Its main products include tax preparation system TurboTax, personal financial services such as Credit karma, and mobile application, Mint and accounting and basic financial management Software QuickBooks, among others. While the company’s business is growing and expanding steadily and it is acquiring other smaller companies, it is currently involved in many lawsuits and investigations. Intuit and PayPal can be considered competitors especially when the small business industry is considered.

5. Skrill

Skrill is a digital wallet and offers payment processing services. It is a subsidiary of Paysafe Group. A bank account can be linked with a Skrill account and money can be transferred, either way can be used for trading, e-commerce, in-game purchases and can even be transferred to cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, customers can use Skrill cards to process payments at places where Skrill itself is not accepted. Due to its ease of service and variety of features, Skrill can also be considered a prominent competitor to PayPal.

Thirty-two INCREDIBLE PayPal Statistics to Know:

Here we will discuss 32 mind-blowing statistics about PayPal which did not know before.

  1. Number of PayPal users:
    You will be amazed to know that about 392 million people use PayPal to conduct their transactions according to Statista and this figure has been rising since 2015. In the fourth quarter of 2019, there were only 305 million users and probably this number has risen due to the pandemic.
  2. PayPal is revolutionizing:
    The goal of PayPal is not just to provide an online payment transaction services website but the company is determined to achieve perfection in the field of online banking and in replacing the current traditional transactional methods. That is why PayPal is introducing some new revolutionizing features.
    Some examples of these features are the buy now pay later feature with zero interest rate which helps the PayPal users to buy any stuff online on loan without any interest rate and cryptocurrency transactions by which you can sell, buy, and hold any cryptocurrency by using your PayPal wallet.
  3. How big is PayPal:
    You may already know that PayPal is the largest online payment transaction website but you would be surprised to know that 22% of the online transactions are held by PayPal.
  4. Online shopping using PayPal:
    87.5% of the total payments made to buy some stuff online are made by using PayPal and the reason behind this is the trust people have in the transparency of PayPal.
  5. PayPal stock price:
    The PayPal stock value has increased to 116% in 2020 and the total market capitalization value of PayPal has reached 274 billion dollars.
  6. Revenue of PayPal in 2021:
    During the first quarter of 2021 (1st January – 30th April), the net revenue of PayPal was 6.03 billion dollars which were quite less as compared to the fourth (1st October – 31st December) quarter of 2020 which was 6.1 billion dollars.
  7. Average wallet balance of PayPal user:
    Average American PayPal user has $485 in their PayPal wallet but the interesting thing is that their physical wallet on average holds only $196 in cash. This shows that an average American makes larger transactions with their PayPal wallet as compared to their physical wallet.
  8. The increasing amount of PayPal users:
    Fifteen million people created an account on PayPal in the third quarter (1st July – 30th September) of 2020.
  9. Active users of PayPal in the UK:
    PayPal app has more than 2.05 million active users as of July of 2020. In the USA, due to the pandemic, PayPal was a more comfortable solution for sending or receiving money and that is why it grew a lot there but on the opposite side, in the UK, the number of PayPal active users has decreased to 2.05 million from 3.7 million users.
  10. When a business accepts PayPal:
    Another amazing fact about PayPal is that according to a survey people are more convinced to buy any product from a business if they accept PayPal payments. This is because of the ease which PayPal provides to its users for comfortable deposits.
  11. Investment of PayPal in UBER:
    It would be surprising for you to know that PayPal has invested 500 million in UBER stocks due to this, the market valuation of UBER has increased significantly over the past years.
  12. PayPal referral system:
    A great marketing move that PayPal played during its vulnerable years is that it used to provide a $20 bonus to every user who creates an account with a referral link. In this way, its initial users invited people they knew and the platform became got huge popularity but this popularity cost them about 60-70 million dollars and they reached the milestone of 100,000 user accounts on the platform.
  13. Users of PayPal one touch:
    PayPal one touch is a feature introduced by PayPal to increase security and to make the transaction process fast and easy. The thing is that 80 million people are using this considerate feature to save their time and do timely transactions.
  14. PayPal used to charge:
    Only a few people know that PayPal, in its initial days was charging a fee like a subscription fee to use their service. This fee was initially $20 then it reduced to $10 and after that, it became $5.
  15. When PayPal became public:
    On October 3rd, 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for a whopping 1.5 billion dollars and by using this money the founders focused on advanced technology and that technology is still used by PayPal even today but in 2015, eBay decided to leave PayPal and now, PayPal and eBay, both are different companies without any connection between them.
  16. PayPal shares the data:
    An astonishing thing which not really a virtuous fact about PayPal is that it shares personal data and information with 600 other companies including Facebook, Google, and Apple.
  17. Most used payment transfer platform:
    PayPal is the most used online payment transfer platform in the USA and a large number of its users on average make at least a single transaction throughout the year. On the other side, the competitors of PayPal like Venmo, Google pay, Apple Pay, and Amazon pay only have about 30%, 21%, 20%, and 19% of users who make at least one transaction in a year respectively.
  18. Collaboration of PayPal and eBay:
    The collaboration of PayPal with eBay ended in 2020 after the relation of 150 years they separated from each other but this termination was not very beneficial for PayPal as the growth rate of the company was declined by 1%.
  19. PayPal is not in every country:
    PayPal supports sending and receiving money in over 25 major currencies but PayPal is not accessible in every country on the planet. Their lots of countries where you cannot make an account on PayPal because of some technical issues but still, people can access and create accounts on PayPal from over 200 countries.
  20. Offices of PayPal:
    We have already discussed the location of PayPal headquarters but an interesting fact about PayPal is that it has 48 offices in 29 countries all over the world and as of 2019, a total of 23,200 people work in these offices.
  21. People working in PayPal:
    About 55 percent of the total employees of PayPal are millennials who were born between 1981 – 1996. It means that all the employees of PayPal have experience of decades are professional in their work.
  22. Idea of PayPal:
    We all know that PayPal is a crucial part of the global economy and hundreds of millions of people are running their businesses through PayPal. Also, about 400 million people rely on PayPal while making financial transactions but do you know that PayPal was ranked in a list of 10 worst ideas for startups in 1999.
  23. Cryptocurrency of Facebook:
    Despite having tons of business relations with Facebook, PayPal was one of the first few companies who abandoned the cryptocurrency of Facebook also known as Libra. The reason behind this important decision of the company was an underlying problem with Libra such as money laundering and corruption issues.
  24. Number of transactions of PayPal users:
    Although PayPal is the largest online transaction service in the whole world still, it is not making loads of transactions. You would be surprised to know that an average PayPal user only makes 40 transactions through PayPal in the whole year.
  25. Users of Venmo:
    You may know that Venmo is the second largest online platform for transactions. Venmo is more used as compared to Google pay and Amazon pay. The current market value of Venmo stands at 38 billion dollars and it generated a revenue of 450 million dollars in 2020. Venmo, as of 2020, has total active users of 52 million.
  26. Websites using PayPal:
    PayPal is considered one of the most trusted and authentic payment methods in the USA and that is why around 460,000 websites use PayPal as their payment partner. Here are the number of websites using PayPal in other countries.

    • Italy: 55,000 websites
    • Germany: 77,000 websites
    • France: 57,000 websites
    • United Kingdom: 103,000 websites
  27. Transactions held through PayPal in the third quarter of 2020:
    More than 3.74 billion transactions were processed by PayPal in the third quarter (1st July – 30th September) and according to the statistics of the company, a total amount of 246.7 billion dollars were transferred in these 3.74 billion transactions.
  28. Payment transfers through PayPal mobile app:
    Most users of PayPal prefer to access their wallets on computers but the use of the mobile app of PayPal is also increasing over the last few years. The total worth of transactions processed through their app in the first quarter of 2019 (1st January – 31st march) is much more as compared to the first quarter of 2018.
  29. Why merchants use PayPal:
    One major cause of the popularity of PayPal is that most of the merchants working on different e-commerce websites are more likely to use PayPal as buyers prefer to buy goods from sellers who accept PayPal payments.
  30. PayPal employees:
    We discussed earlier that most of the employees of PayPal are millennials because they are more experienced and proficient but another amazing fact about employees of PayPal is that 57% of total people working in PayPal are males and the remaining 43% are females.
  31. Why PayPal users are increasing?
    If you have ever wondered that why PayPal is so popular and why the number of users of PayPal is growing rapidly so the answer is that there are 87% chances that people who use PayPal will recommend their family and friends to also use their service.
  32. Elon Musk and PayPal:
    You would be amazed to know that one of the founders of PayPal was also Elon Musk but this is not our fact. The interesting thing is that Elon Musk had to borrow money for his rent because he invested all of his money he got from PayPal in his other companies.

Where Will Be PayPal in 10 Years?

Keeping in view the previous successes of the company in the market there is a high probability that PayPal will grow a lot in the future. Some machine learning models analyze estimate that the stock price of PayPal is expected to reach $640 by 2030 and as compared to the PayPal stock price of 2021, we can say that PayPal is likely to make progress exponentially in both the short and long term.

PayPal is also expected to grow because of the collective growth of the e-commerce industry of the world and PayPal’s outlook about it. We already have discussed that the e-commerce industry boomed in 2020 because of the pandemic and due to which PayPal’s revenue and total transaction amount also increased last year. So, we can say that in the future, due to the rise in e-commerce, PayPal will also get loads of victories.

PayPal with its new and advanced technology and features is attracting a lot of people to other services. We can see huge growth in the number of users of PayPal over time and we have also witnessed the same surge in the number of users last year.

Some fantastic features like PayPal One touch and loans without interest are taking are captivating millions of users on yearly basis. We can positively say that PayPal is becoming large and large day by day. We also explained that last year PayPal processed a total of about 400 billion dollars. So, it can be easily projected that the company would not take too long to reach the milestone of a whopping 1 trillion dollars.

PayPal also owns a lot of other companies and making successful deals with its competitors but the end goal of PayPal is to capitalize on the market completely and we can estimate from its past successes that it will gain success in this aspect also.

In a nutshell, analysis shows that the company is going to make progress in the future and is determined to change the overall idea of financial transactions. In the coming ten years, the total market valuation is going to increase a lot because of the trust of its users, its revolutionizing advancements like cryptocurrency wallets and the one-touch feature will also attract millions of users across the globe, and also the number of merchants using PayPal as payment partner is also expected to grow over time. So, we can analyze that there is nothing but success in PayPal’s future.

10 reasons to buy PayPal stock

We talked about the topic that where will be PayPal in the coming ten years. Now, we are going to analyze PayPal stock’s profitability.

  1. Inflation:
    You may know about the fact that if you keep your money in cash, it will decrease over time due to inflation. It can be a good reason why you should invest your money in PayPal stocks.
  2. Increasing trend of PayPal stock:
    If we take a look at the growth of PayPal stock over the period of the last ten years, we will come to know that it stands at $35 in 2015, and in 2020, its price was $215. This shows that the company is in the process of growth and will also grow in the future.
  3. Customer engagement of PayPal:
    PayPal is attracting the interests of millions of users which will cause the growth of the company and ultimately, its stock will also rise.
  4. Total amount of transaction:
    The end goal of PayPal is to increase the use of its service. For this, PayPal is striving hard and we can see this trend that the total transaction amount held by PayPal has been increased a lot. It means the company will grow in the future and its stock may become very profitable.
  5. The revenue is growing rapidly:
    In 2015, the revenue of the company was 9.2 billion dollars which increased to 21.4 billion dollars in 2020. Not only this but some estimations show that the revenue of the company is expected to reach 50 billion dollars by 2025. It is obvious that the company is in the process of rapid growth and its stock will increase a lot in the future.
  6. Usage will increase in the future:
    We all know that the world is moving towards technology and it already has become a global village so, a simple analysis makes it evident that in the future, more and more people will be using online platforms to send or receive money and as PayPal is among the largest ones, it will grow much.
  7. PayPal share buyback:
    PayPal is expected to buy back its shares by 2025 and because of the shortage of shares in the market, the price per share will increase.
  8. Acquisitions:
    PayPal uses its cash to acquire other companies as well so, it is for sure that in the future PayPal will acquire some companies who have the growth potential. The previous PayPal acquisitions helped it to grow very much and they will also help the company to grow in the future.
  9. New services:
    PayPal is introducing new technologies to their website and these new technologies will play a crucial role in the success of PayPal in the future and because of this, the stock of PayPal will also rise.
  10. Future forecasts:
    Keeping all the technical stuff and PayPal’s outlook aside, various estimations and forecasts have predicted that its stock price is going to increase rapidly in the future. This could be a great reason to buy some shares of PayPal.

PayPal futures pipeline

The future of PayPal looks very bright and interesting because of the pipeline of the company to reach a level of complete digitization of payment transfers. We have already discussed that why people are taking lots of interest in PayPal and why its user base is growing rapidly day by day. From its growth over the past few years, we can easily estimate that PayPal will not take much time to reach a milestone of 1 billion users.

PayPal’s future business pipelines include also trying to introduce more mind-blowing features to the platform and these features include investing, payments with cryptocurrency, advanced bill payment system, budgeting, and saving tools, and smart shopping tools to buy goods at the best prices. These new technologies also guarantee the future growth of PayPal. So, the outlook of the company looks good.

  1. PayPal has some huge goals to achieve by 2025 and keeping in view the efforts, outlook and dedication of the company, PayPal is likely to complete its goals. Some of these goals are:
  2. Doubling the number of active users from 392 million to 784 million.
  3. Increasing the total amount of transactions from 936 billion dollars to 2.8 trillion dollars.
  4. In short, we can say that PayPal is striving hard to grow more in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions about PayPal

Is PayPal a publicly-traded company?

Yes, PayPal is a publicly traded company and it became public even before eBay acquired it.

What year did PayPal go public?

PayPal became a public company in the February of 2002, after about 4 years of its founding. It was listed on NASDAQ with the ticker symbol PYPL and an initial share price of $13 per share and made about $61 million for the company’s operations. The stock symbol of PayPal is PYPL. It was considered an immediate success as the share price gained more than 50% of its original price in hours.

Who owns PayPal?

PayPal is owned by a number of institutional investors. Below are the major investors of PayPal with the percentage of shares owned by them mentioned in front.

Institutional investors:

The Vanguard Group Inc 7.48%
Blackrock Inc 4.51%
State Street Global Advisors 3.80%
Fidelity Investments Inc. 3.63%
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. 2.77%
Comprehensive Financial Management LLC 2.66%
Capital Research and management Co. 2.29%
Geode capital Management LLC 1.54%
Northern Trust Asset Management 1.12%
Fundsmith 1.05%

Who founded PayPal?

PayPal was founded by a group of entrepreneurs. This group includes Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, and Yu Pan.

Who is the auditor of PayPal Holdings Inc.?

PrincewaterhouseCooper, one of the largest accounting firms in the world was appointed as the independent auditor for PayPal holdings.

How many locations does PayPal has?

PayPal has 44 locations spread in 23 countries around the world.

Are PayPal payments protected?

PayPal tries to protect both buyers and sellers from any kind of fraud, so it offers two different kinds of protection: buyer protection and seller protection.

Buyer protection:

If a person uses PayPal to buy any product on any e-commerce site that does not arrive or does not match its description given by the seller then the buyer can claim a refund from PayPal. Any kind of problem for example getting a used product when a new one was ordered or getting a product in lower quantity than it was ordered in or any other deviation of the product from its description gives the buyer a right to 100% refund.

It should be noted that in some cases, buyers cannot claim this right for example if the product does not follow PayPal’s and eBay’s policies or if it is an intangible item e.g. any service or any real estate or motor vehicle. A fraud, in such a case, must be taken to dispute by the buyer in under 180 days to get the issue resolved.

Seller protection:

If a seller has delivered a tangible or intangible product and he or she has proof of it then it can be used in case of any claim that the buyer did not receive the product or if any unauthorized payment occurs. So, seller protection covers both products and services. The main condition for such a claim is proof that the product or service was delivered to the address mentioned properly.

Again, there are exceptions to this right offered by PayPal, for example, PayPal would not cover the case under seller protection if the product or service does not follow their policy or if it is banned under the law. Similarly, other rules must be followed to avail this policy for example it does not cover any donations or products bought from classified lists. So, if such a case is not present then seller protection is a useful protection policy.

What Country Doesn’t Work with PayPal?

PayPal claims that it works in over 200 countries and regions worldwide. It does not maintain a list of countries where it provides no services, but some analysis can show the list of countries where its services are still not available.

Below is an alphabetically ordered list of all countries which do not support PayPal:

  1. Antarctica
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Cote D’ivoire
  4. Cuba
  5. Belarus
  6. Bouvet Island
  7. British Indian Ocean Territory
  8. Cameroon
  9. Central African Republic
  10. Christmas Island
  11. Equatorial Guinea
  12. Haiti
  13. Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands
  14. Iran
  15. Islamic Republic of Iraq
  16. Korea (North)
  17. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  18. Lebanon
  19. Liberia
  20. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  21. Myanmar
  22. Nigeria
  23. Pakistan
  24. Papua New Guinea
  25. Serbia and Montenegro
  26. Sudan
  27. Syrian Arab Republic

How to Land a Job at PayPal?

Landing a job in PayPal is neither very easy nor very hard; one just has to demonstrate a set of abilities and a certain mindset that the company thinks can contribute to it see at www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/jobs.

Below are some important requirements listed and explained that should be considered to land a job in PayPal:

  1. An engineering mindset
    The first thing that a person should have to get a job in PayPal is to have an engineering mindset. The person should know about various subsets of engineering and how they interconnect and how the real-world application of these subsets can be used to solve complex and innovative problems.
  2. Previous work
    Without any previous work, a person cannot prove if he or she is the right candidate for the job, so it is very important to have appropriate experience in the field. This could range from a job or internship to any projects that a student has done during his or her academic career that can prove to the hirer that the person would be able to perform what is expected from him or her.
  3. Soft skills
    PayPal places a special emphasis on the soft skills of an employee. So, they are not looking for a person who takes his role too seriously and works like a robot.They want a person who can think creatively, has a good learning attitude, and can work in a team. Therefore, PayPal conducts “Behavioral interviews”, where they especially look for the skills, attitude, and personality of a person. For example, if a person is applying for software development and has not experimented with PayPal’s own application yet would be a straight reject because he or she is not curious enough.PayPal places high emphasis on leadership skills and considers for people with these skills a shift from “maker to multiplier”-i.e. from a person who only does his or her own regular job to a person who inspires and leads others to achieve extraordinary goals otherwise unattainable.
  4. Technical skills
    If a person wants a job in a high-tech firm such as PayPal, technical expertise is an absolute necessity. PayPal looks for people who are especially good at technical problem solving which really is required in tech firms at this time. A curious person with a good ability to solve complicated and complex technical and business problems while working with a team is the best fit for PayPal.
  5. Standing out
    One thing that can greatly increase the chances of a candidate getting accepted in PayPal is the ability to stand out from the rest of the applicants. PayPal requires people who do more than what they are required to. For this, any expertise, any extra skills, any projects, any participation in a contest or any other activity that can make a person stand out from the group can significantly better the chances of getting hired by PayPal.

What is the PayPal developer portal?

PayPal developer portal is a service PayPal introduced for developers to get a deep insight into the company. Developers who have confusion related to technical stuff about the company can consult the developer portal to increase the understanding of the company.


PayPal, today, is one of the most popular online payment solution providers and is considered a tech giant. It is available in more than 200 regions of the world and has 44 offices with more than 26000 employees. Although the company faces tough competition from other payment solution providers, it is still leading in the industry and is expected to maintain its upper position above its competitors due to the number of advantages it provides, the product expansion that it has planned, and other factors.

PayPal stock trades at about $260 as of May 2021 and is up 67.74% in a year which is exceptional performance compared to NASDAQ’s 44.88%. PayPal’s stock’s high market performance is mainly credited to the strong financial condition of the company (high growth in revenue and in net income which shows high profitability) which attracts a huge number of investors. A high P/E shows that investors place a high level of confidence in the future of PayPal. Most of the analysts recommend it as a “Buy”.

The company is trying to add more products and services to its portfolio to expand its business. Among these include the ability to use cryptocurrency for transactions, giving an investing platform to people, enhanced bill payments and shopping discounts, and personal finance solutions and budgeting tools. These products will help PayPal expand the business and increase customer satisfaction levels.

While PayPal seems a good option for a customer to use for his or her payment-related work but still if someone needs an alternative there are many. Some of the most important alternatives to PayPal include Google Pay, Stripe, Square, Skrill, Shopify payments, 2 Checkout, and Amazon Pay. One can compare the services offered by the above-mentioned companies compared to their prices and other factors and decide what works the best for them.

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  1. ckout, and Amazon Pay. One can compare the services offered by the above-mentioned companies compared to their prices and other factors and decide what works the best for them.

  2. I have been a Paypal customer for a period of time and use Paypal for purchases on Ebay, Auction Houses and Shipping and Packing Companies. Recently I tried to access my Paypal account and a screen appeared demanding a mobile number from me before I could access my account. I don’t have a mobile/cell phone only a land line which suits all my needs. After making several inquires I was told by Paypal Representatives that I must have a mobile/cell phone to be able to do business via Paypal online. I contacted Pay Pal credit and inquired into receiving a paper statement of my transactions as I could no longer access my Paypal account online to view and pay.
    Upon a fairly lengthy phone call with a very kind Representative, who had to speak with a Supervisor on a couple occasions during our phone call, set me up with paper statements to be mailed out to my home. Once I have taken care of all the promotional charges on my account I will be closing my Paypal account and will make every effort to share this experience with whomever will listen. And if I find a way to leave google feedback for Paypal HQ’s I will, I have been treated very shabbily by Paypal in these recent weeks. The one light in all this is the very kind Paypal credit Representative who helped me today, 9/9/21.

  3. I’m on a back list fir paypal and no one can give me profile as to why…I called both Visa and Mastercard…they said I’m fine…no issues…so now…paypal holes my money for 6 months…makes money off ME…and tell me basically…a friend said to do this cause they didn’t like my company…
    Wow…not legal

  4. Put in a dispute for duplicate charges and PayPal dismissed it saying there were no duplicate charges. Look on you own statement, PayPal on 9/21/21 for $50.95. Both sellers have an oriental signature. They got past PayPal and got me and I didn’t even receive the products they said I bought twice. Not even an invoice. Look at your statement then look at my bank statement. The truth is there. Is it that easy to fool Paypal? Guess I will be blacklisted, too. I am too insignificant to matter, though.


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