Where is LexisNexis Headquarters, office locations on Map?

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LexisNexis was founded in 1970. It was first founded with the name Lexis. Later, its name was changed to LexisNexis. It is a company that provides a platform that extracts relationships and patterns out of huge data set using technologies like machine learning and data science. In simple words, LexisNexis legally provides different business information, aspects of business, and business analytics to improve the growth of organizations and businesses. These services are sold by the company on different online portals and websites.

Some of the famous services provided by the company include articles publishing, news publishing, legal documents publishing, management tools, sales solution, and market analysis tools. In 2021, LexisNexis was ranked at 215th on Forbes’ Best Employers for Women.

The company is a subsidiary of RELX Group which is a multinational provider of business information and data analytics. It is a publicly-traded company, and it is listed on New York Stock Exchange. As of 16th February 2022, its stock price is $30.86. The headquarters of LexisNexis is situated in New York, New York, United States.

Where is LexisNexis headquarters located?

LexisNexis’ headquarters are located in New York, New York, United States. The company has overall 120 offices, and it is physically present in 26 countries. LexisNexis headquarters’ address is given below.

Address: Helmsley Building, New York, New York, United States

How do I contact LexisNexis corporate?

You can contact the LexisNexis sales department by filling out the form at this link. You can use the phone number given below to clear all of the general queries and to get customer service. Phone Number: 1-800-543-6862

Does LexisNexis have chat support?

Yes, LexisNexis does have a live chat support facility available. You can access this service on the homepage of their official website.

How can I open a support ticket with LexisNexis?

You can open a support ticket with LexisNexis by following this link and sending them the completed form.

General Information

HQ: 230 Park Ave Viaduct #7, New York, United States
Zip code: 10169
Industry: Publishing
Products: Case law, articles, publications, news, court documents, lawyer marketing, law practice management tools, media monitoring tools, supply management tools, sales intelligence solutions, and market intelligence tools
Founded: 1970
Website: www.lexisnexis.com

What is LexisNexis used for?

LexisNexis mainly provides data as a service and charges for that. LexisNexis is typically used to get access to legal information and legal research services. These services are mostly used by people who are working in fields related to law. LexisNexis also provides access to some of its information to the general public.

Company History

In 1956, John Horty first made use of CALR at the University of Pittsburgh. He found out that the laws of the hospital across different states of America vary a lot. Then, he created a database to keep records of all those laws. In 1965, Ohio State Bar gave a contract to Data Corporation to build a CALR database for them.

Data Corporation was acquired by Mead Corporation in 1968. Mead Corporation rearranged the Information System Division of Data Corporation and renamed it Mead Data Central. For this new corporation, Wilson was hired as a president and Rubin as a vice president. In 1971, Rubin became the president of Mead Data Central.

lexisnexis headquarters
LexisNexis Enhanced by headquartersoffice.com

Rubin started to focus more on legal research services, and he named these services Lexis. Rubin predicted that in the future, there would be a need for these services. At this point, Lexis was only a service. It was not a company. As Lexis was the only information service provider, it was an immediate success. In no time, it gained popularity, and by 1975, it had 5 billion characters of data. Rubin and his team left Mead Corporation in 1981.

In 1994, LexisNexis was sold to Reed Elsevier by Mead Corporation for $1.5 billion. Reed Elsevier acquired Shephard’s Citations in 1998. Later, Shephard Citations became a part of LexisNexis. Recently, in 2020, LexisNexis stopped using its own servers and transferred its database to Amazon’s servers.

LexisNexis Company Profile

LexisNexis is an American company that provides facilities for legal research and access to various types of data. It is a subsidiary of RELX Group and was founded in 1970. The company wants to improve business decisions and productivity by providing reliable data. Currently, LexisNexis is one of the leaders in the market, having the largest database of legal records and information.

LexisNexis CEO and Key Executive Team

Name Designation
Eric Bonnet-Maes Managing Director, LexisNexis Asia
Mike Walsh Chief Executive Officer
Katherine Lunn Corporate Services and Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Mark Kelsey Chief Executive Officer, Risk Solutions Group
Jamie Buckley Chief Product Officer
Source: lexisnexis.com, risk.lexisnexis.com

What is Data as a Service (DaaS)?

Data as a service is a kind of service provided by any organization that is related to data. Data manipulation, data extraction, and data sorting are some operations that are performed on data. Some examples of DaaS include web mapping and news publishing.

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LexisNexis SWOT Analysis:


LexisNexis is a company with a lot of strengths. Some of them include a huge collection of information, modern technology for legal research, a great persona in the market, and a wide variety of services. Because of these strengths, the company was able to grow in the past and become the leader in the market.


LexisNexis has covered a lot of its weaknesses, but still, there are two major weak points of the company. One is the data breaches, and the other is the trust which customers lose after any data breach. Although these breaches are not much common, these gaps should be filled by LexisNexis. These breaches can be very harmful to the company. So, something serious has to be done in this sector.


LexisNexis can make use of more technology to innovate its services. No doubt, the company still incorporates technology, but this can be taken to the next step. This will give a competitive advantage to the company. Also, LexisNexis should make sure that no future data breach will happen as this is an issue with the company. It will increase the trust of its customers in the company.


There are not many threats to the company except that hackers can steal their confidential data at any time. If this issue is solved by LexisNexis, there will be no threat to the company’s sovereignty. This has happened in the past, and the company does not provide any guarantee that their users’ data is safe.

How Is LexisNexis Winning on the Web?

The company has a lot of competitors doing similar work as LexisNexis, but they are not as successful. The reason why LexisNexis grew this much and became one of the largest legal research companies is that they incorporated modern technology. Also, the company acquired other small organizations to advance their working model. This helped LexisNexis to provide its customers more than expected. This is how LexisNexis is currently winning on the web.


1. How long does information stay on LexisNexis?

The information is only stored by LexisNexis for a short period of time. However, the actual time is not disclosed by the company.

2. Why is LexisNexis better than Westlaw?

The service provided by these companies are pretty much the same, but LexisNexis charges less compared to Westlaw. That is why LexisNexis is a better option.

3. How Long has LexisNexis been in business?

The company was founded in 1970. So, it has been in business for the last 52 years.

4. What are LexisNexis’ Risk Solutions?

LexisNexis provides tools to evaluate the risk associated with a certain task to either minimize it or do the better decision making. This service is known as risk solutions.

5. Who are LexisNexis customers?

Mainly, people related to law are the customers of LexisNexis, but some insurance organizations, banks, cybersecurity companies, and financial services providers also use LexisNexis.

6. How do you get something removed from LexisNexis?

  1. Follow this link and the procedure
  2. Fill out the form given by them
  3. Enter your personal details required by them
  4. Enter your contact details
  5. Submit the form

After submitting the form, LexisNexis will take up to 30 days to remove the required data.

Executive Summary

LexisNexis is a company with a strong business model and market importance. Every aspect of the company looks great. The company has already outperformed its competitors. Still, LexisNexis has a lot of opportunities. There are gaps in the market that can be filled by the company, and they are trying to fill them. As the world is advancing every second, the need for services provided by LexisNexis is also increasing. So, it appears that the company should grow a lot in the future.

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